Holy Mountain shop now contains 3 random free potions.Prices for wands have been lowered slightly. Holy Mountain shop now contains 30 wands or spells, generally a mixture of both.The Holy Mountain no longer require entering a portal to access them and they can be entered and exited freely with no consequences. Angering the gods is a thing of the past.Holy Mountains now have a fast-travel portal room! As you explore new Holy Mountains, they are unlocked for fast travel via the portals in the left room of Holy Mountain.Holy Mountains now have a map inside them, showing your location in the world.There is now a teleporter at the end of Hell that will allow you to escape, if you can reach it.The entire world layout has been shuffled and made much, much larger to explore.You are also able to eventually return to the surface to complete the true ending, if you can survive! Also included are some minor gameplay tweaks to make it more feasible to endure and survive the new extended map. All orb rooms and essence locations are preserved, and are now able to be accessed by regular play. This mod restructures the overall world layout to provide a much larger area to play and progress in, similar to a more open-world style of play like a Metroidvania. Crash bug should be fixed, let me know if you still experience crashing on using kick.